
TCOM Stock Quarterly Filings
$65.48 (-4.31%)  At 2024-11-07 19:00:00 EST

We provide you with 20 years of free, institutional-grade data for TCOM stock, allowing you to gain comprehensive visibility into the fundamentals of the company. This in-depth information is essential for making informed investment decisions and understanding the financial health and performance of TCOM. Explore the full financial landscape of TCOM stock.

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Trip.com Group Limited operates as a travel service provider for accommodation reservation, transportation ticketing, packaged tours and in-destination, corporate travel management, and other travel-related services in China and internationally. It acts as an agent for hotel-related transactions and...

Founded: 2010
Full Time Employees: 44,300
CEO: Jane Jie Sun  
Sector: Consumer Cyclical
Industry: Travel Services
Stock price: $44.685 (+0.92%)

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